creative gift wrapping: spooled package

December 13, 2010 § 5 Comments

One of the simplest ways to wrap a gift is to create an envelope.  The spools are both a unique and functional element to this inventive gift packaging.  Ideal for boxes less than 2″ deep.

1. Cut your gift wrap with an additional 1-1/2″ on each side of the box.  Make sure the you can fold the gift wrap twice around your box.

2. Using double-sided tape, fold and adhere the bottom third of your gift wrap.  Insert the box.

3. Fold a triangle on the top  third.

4. Using circle punches and hole punches, punch two large circles and two small circles with a hole punched in the middle.  Adhere the smaller circle on the large circle.

5. Using mounting tape, adhere a 12″ length of ribbon onto the back of only one of the circles.

6. Adhere the circles as shown and spool ribbon to close.

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