cityscape chalkboard boxes

January 7, 2011 § 20 Comments

As it goes with new year’s resolutions, most of us are trying to get a little more organized this year.  Some of you may be the lucky alpha breed who has everything in absolute order.  I know a few of those people, one of whom I call dad — his organization is so precise, he stores his golf clubs at equidistant 30-degree angles.  But maybe you’re a little like me, the “creative type” (I hate to use the term in the pejorative way, unfortunately common these days) amidst a workroom of cluttered materials.  I have all sorts of bins, drawers, and shelves, but they never seem to be enough.  I’m always bringing in new supplies that require space and many things get displaced.

For the month of December, I decided to forego placing my recycling bin by the curb and saved up enough recyclables to create these fun chalkboard boxes.  I’m a doodler and an architecture devotee, so buildings are naturally the things I love to doodle.   After drawing these, I really don’t want to erase them…yet.  Well, how convenient that the boxes have four sides!

I drew a stylized cityscape using a second side of the boxes to discover I want to use these as planter boxes instead.  What a way to hide those unsightly plastic pots!   I was hoping to tackle another resolution  — grow my indoor herb garden, since fresh herb prices are through the roof.  However, potted herbs are not in season and I wasn’t going to invest in seeds that will die before they have a chance to live.  I know myself enough, I have a miscolored thumb (I’ve killed a bonsai plant which could’ve lived to a hundred years had it been under another’s care).  So I opted for succulents.  I love succulents!!!  They live off of air or nothing.  They just live.  But even so, I hate to admit this…these are artificial plants.  Even caring for succulents is beyond my abilities.

These cityscapes are as easy as cutting open juice and milk cartons, washing them thoroughly, covering them in adhesive chalkboard or chalkboard paint. and doodling away!

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