creative gift wrapping: pleated gift bag

December 12, 2010 § 5 Comments

Make this striking gift bag by folding pleats on gift wrap.  You will need ribbon, a thin sheet of cardboard and good quality double-sided tape.

1. Take a full width of gift wrap and cut to approximately 18″ long.  Find the center and make creases about 2″ apart to center the pattern.

2. To the left of the centered pattern, fold under and over to create 1/2″ pleats.

3. Repeat to the right of the pattern.

4. Turn over.  Using double-sided tape, adhere a thin sheet of cardboard or chip board along the center to create a base.  You can make the base as wide as you want.  Place double-sided along both edges of the base as well as both edges of the wrap on one side.

5. Fold, adhere, and shape into a flat-bottomed fan.

6. Tape ribbon along the inside edges for use as handles.

7. Your pleated gift bag is ready to fill!

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