a new life for old plastic snowflakes

November 17, 2010 § 9 Comments

Chances are, you’ve started digging through your attic, basement, or garage for boxes of holiday paraphernalia.  Before you close the box on those dusted decades old plastic snowflake ornaments, it’s time to reconsider getting them out of retirement and giving them a new lease on life.

They make for stunning shimmering dual-purposed-napkin rings -slash-place-cards.  And they are guaranteed to get anyone in a festive mood when tied to a beautiful ribbon around a good bottle of wine (well, we know wine gets anyone in a festive mood any time of year, but this way sure fills it up with cheer).  And they make for a gorgeous tag to flatter a gorgeously wrapped present.

To make the place card napkin rings, I glued new hair elastics (I picked up a bundle of 100 in a variety of exciting colors from the dollar store which I will use up on future projects).  I am not a fan of hot glue, especially on plastic, and only use it for a handful of projects when absolutely needed.  What I am, though, is a Weldbond girl.  I Weldbond almost everything and it’s never let me down.  Simply apply a generous dot of the white stuff on the back of the snowflake and press the elastic into it until it’s mostly covered with glue and wait patiently until it dries clear.

I also think these snowflake place card napkin rings would make wonderful decorative touches for a white winter wedding, wouldn’t you agree?

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